Today I was reading about the Lacanian Object Petit A -

Gaze < image and screen > and the subject of representation

To consider the otherness of observing from afar, and it emerges as an object as desire because of the outside view.


objet petit a stands for the unattainable object of desire, the "a" being the small other ("autre"), a projection or reflection of the ego made to symbolise otherness, like a specular image, as opposed to the big Other (always capitalised as "A") which represents otherness itself. It is sometimes called the object cause of desire, as it is the force that induces desire towards any particular object. Lacan always insisted that the term should remain untranslated, "thus acquiring the status of an algebraic sign"

What Kinds of Applied Research to do for What Purpose? - Justin Lee

1,3567.5 tips to staging performing in Malaysia - Ann Lee

New Metrics for the Arts- Tully Barnett

CICADA - grassroots organising for Cultural and Creative Industries Development in Cambodia

Civic Activism and Strategic Advocacy - Brama Mathi (2002)

Culture: Policy, Management, and Entrepreneurship - Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies

From Cultural Service to Cultural Infrastructure - HK Melody Yiu



care based practices - holds space for others

industry is a group of people